2023 Officers & Board of Directors


Glenn Fiala

Vice President

Vern Deck


Jacqueline Parker


Kimberly Fiala

Federation Director

Linda Thompson

Field Trip Director

Gene Doyle

Juniors' Advisor

Patty Holbrook


Karla Shannon

Past President

Jim Barton

Show Chair

Jim Hutchings

Asst. Show Chair

Glenn Fiala

Bulletin Editor

Leesa Dixey

Directors (2 year)

Holli Hinkle
Mike Hunerlach

Directors (1 year)

Denise Coyne
Cathy Nelson

Duties of Officers and Chairpersons

PRESIDENT - Presides at all meetings, appoints committee chairs, appoints officers pro tem in case of temporary absence and is an ex-officio member of all committees except nominating committee.

VICE-PRESIDENT - Assumes duties of office of the President in his/her absence and is the Program Chairperson.

SECRETARY / MEMBERSHIP CHAIR - Keeps an accurate record of all meetings, maintains an up-to-date roster, prepares election ballots, prepares and mails all correspondence, maintains a file of all society records, reissues new by-laws and/or standing rules when revised. Introduces new members and presents them with a New Member Packet.

TREASURER - Receives all funds for the Society and deposits same. Issues checks for Society's expenses. Maintains the Society's liability and property insurance needs and files reports required by all non-profit corporations.

FEDERATION DIRECTOR - Liaison between the Society and California Federation of Mineralogical Societies, attends Federation meetings, maintains a file of pertinent information and reports same at Society meetings.

JUNIORS' ADVISOR - Guides junior activities, reports activities to the Board. 

FIELD TRIP DIRECTOR - Maintains a record of areas available for collecting and arranges or leads field trips. 

LIBRARIAN/HISTORIAN - Librarian maintains a lending library, levies fines on members who do not return books, purchases books. Historian assembles and maintains a file of bulletins and documents yearly events.

SHOW CHAIR - Takes complete responsibility for the annual Gem and Mineral Show, contacts dealers and organizes show venue, works with Show Publicity Chair to publicize the show.

ASSISTANT SHOW CHAIR - Assists Show Chair and may, if desired, assume the duties of Show Chair the following year.

SHOW FINANCIAL CHAIR - Prepares estimated budget six months in advance. Deposits all funds from the show with the Treasurer, presents a financial report within 60 days after the show. 

BULLETIN EDITOR - Issues the Society's monthly bulletin.

PAST PRESIDENT - Attends business meetings and assists in the business of the society. Presides at meetings when both President and Vice-President are absent.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Manages and controls business of Society. Fills elected vacancies by appointment. Removes from office any officer who has three unexplained absences from meetings.


SUNSHINE CHAIR - Sends notes to those who are ill and sympathy cards in the event of the death of a member. 

REFRESHMENT COORDINATOR - Arranges for refreshments at Educational Meetings and maintains supplies. 

HOST/HOSTESS - Greets guests at the door at each meeting and has them register.  Conducts the door prize raffle at each meeting.

DONATION / SILENT AUCTION CHAIR - Arranges and conducts silent auctions, turns over all proceeds to Treasurer. 

CUSTODIAN - Stores Society's property in trailer and keeps an inventory.

CLASS COORDINATOR - Acquires instructors for classes, contacts members who have signed up to take classes, collects fees paid for classes, coordinates with the Treasurer to pay class instructors, and periodically assesses club member interest for future class possibilities.

LAPIDARY SHOP DIRECTOR - Oversees all the functions and activities at the lapidary shop, and reports all shop needs to the Board.

WEBMASTER - Maintains the club website and periodically researches and upgrades webhosting and domain name renewal.


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