Forces of Geologic Change
A chart by Jim Barton



Forces Involved Energy Source Time Frame Examples of Physical Features
Tectonics Gravity/Heat Tectonic movements of the crust began shortly after Earth's crust formed 4.5 billion years ago, and continue today with plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and rising/falling landscapes. Earth's crustal plates, hot spots, rising mountain ranges, sinking basins (large scale)

Volcanoes, faults, fractures, landslides (small scale)
Water Erosion / Deposition Gravity/Heat The Hydrologic Cycle began shortly after the formation of the oceans over 4 billion years
ago, is driven mainly by
energy of our Sun, and by heat within the earth.
Rivers and stream channels, flood plains, shoreline erosion of lakes and oceans, landslides, glacial valleys and moraines, geyser mineral deposition
Wind Erosion / Deposition Gravity/Heat Wind erosion began with the formation of the
atmosphere and Earth's crust 4.5 billion years ago, is driven by the energy of our Sun and
the rotational Force of the Earth.
Desert landscapes
Extra-terrestrial collision Gravity/Heat Extra-terrestrial collisions from meteorites have continued to occur, with
lesser frequency, since the formation of Earth over 4.5 billion years ago.
Impact craters, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (Iridium layer), Coesite (shocked quartz), tektites (silica glass fragments), theoretical source of water on Earth.
Chemical Erosion / Deposition Geochemical Reactions/ Gravity/Heat Geochemical reactions beganwith the formation of the Earth over 4.5 billion years ago. Chemical erosion/deposition is driven by gravity, the atomic structure (minerals of rocks, the atmosphere, and water), energy (heat, light), and conditions of the environment (pH, temperature, atmospheric pressure. Caves in limestone, oxidation of landscapes (rust, desert varnish), acid rain from air pollution, acid rock drainage (sulfide) from abandoned mines, heap leaching of gold by cyanide.

James Barton, RG, 2001